DAY 115


To FEEL the happiness, the reality of your dream, imagine it and feel it now.  You so deserve all good things you desire in your life.  This is intended for you by Source/God/Universe, so spend time by and with yourself in order to connect to who you really are, to your Higher Spiritual Self and Higher Power. Focus and try this exercise.  

  • Close your eyes and breathe in deeply for 5 seconds, hold for 4, exhale or release for 6 seconds. X6.  Let your shoulders drop and relax. 
  • Say: “I am so grateful and happy today for… or because”; Thank you for my healing, I feel better every day…then SMILE! As you practice positive thinking, you body starts to feel it and can experience Divine Love. Remember your blessings.   Examples:  I can see, I can hear, I can taste. I have a home, a bike, a car, family, friends, etc. FACT:   2/3 of the world doesn’t  have clean drinking water.   We can collectively make a difference in the world.  
  • Expect your day to go well. “My day is flowing with ease.” Is one of my favorite sayings.    
  • Visualize and imagine the positive way that your day will unfold in your mind.  Your created thoughts materialize in your experience and reality.  It’s important to remain dedicated to lifelong personal development and study in order to feel better, learn and grow as a person and Spirit.  This means working daily and taking it step by step whether it’s about your health, wealth, relationships or your work/vocation. Relying on your Divine guidance takes TRUST, faith and courage, NEVER GIVE UP.  It’s definitely a “journey of progress”.        Choose and Repeat what elevates you every day as part of you routine.  

Suzanne Boudreau

Reiki Master, Magnetic Mind Mentor

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