DAY 159


Exercise keeps the body strong and fit.  Today’s challenge is to commit some time to physical activity:  you may want to sign up for an exercise class, weight training, daily walking, 15-30 minutes on the treadmill, biking, bowling, dancing, or a Yoga class.  It especially strengthens body and mind.  It gives the mind a rest while focusing on the physical. 


People who practice yoga feel calmer and more peaceful.  They tend to respond to life rather than react. Yin yoga, is a held pose for time focusing on stillness of the mind.   Yin helps  stretch and rest the tendons, ligaments, and muscles; this practice is individualized to your personal ability.   So no judgement ! Flow yoga is more strength focused.  Ariel yoga is done in a hammock which is for  strengthening.  . Feel free to explore this venue or any activity of interest, biking, hiking, walking, etc. 


Tai chi , or any Asian martial art helps with mindfulness, discipline and fitness and self defense.  There are different degrees of intensity and focus in these arts. 


Any activity or sport you enjoy is always beneficial to the body, mind and spirit.  Challenge yourself, get off the couch! lo

Suzanne Boudreau

Rieke master magnetic mind mentor

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