DAY 161


Yoga Wall Straddle: You can reduce stress by sitting on the floor with one hip next to the wall, lay down on your back, then swing your legs up against the wall, so the blood flow can go to the main organs and upper body.  Hold the pose for 2-3 minutes.  Play some soft solfeggio music to help you relax.  This position is amazing for rest.


Breath exercises:  sit by yourself, close your eyes, be still, breathe in slowly for 5 seconds, fill up your lungs, then exhale for 5 seconds.  Do this X5.  Focus on the breath only.  Feel yourself relax. 


Reiki:  a Japanese healing and relaxation technique that helps alleviate pain. There are probably practitioners in your area where you live.   The experience is quite relaxing.  You are asked to lay down on massage table, close your eyes and rest while the practitioner places her/his hands on your shoulders, then place their hands a few inches from your body to create healing energy with intention to your body and mind.  Usually healers have this gift to help others. 


Soak in Epsom salt/Baking soda bath: (use 1 cup each); soak for 30-60 minutes.  It detoxes the body.


Professional Massage:  releases muscle tension and releases lactic acid. Drink plenty of water after a massage to flush out the lactic acid accumulation in your body.


A Walk or hike in nature; do any exercise you enjoy. Spend time with yourself and allow your mind to empty or to rest.


Alone time: there’s no shame in needing to be alone to rest your mind and body.

Suzanne Boudreau

Rieke master magnetic mind mentor

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