DAY 170


The chart below shows the levels of energy of consciousness.   Negative energy is disconnection from Source, such as feelings of doubt, fear, low self-worth, jealousy, resentment, need for control over another, etc.  The flow of positive energy creates abundant thoughts and feelings of happiness, health, wealth and healthy relationships.  Spiritual Growth is a journey of learning at different levels, of different lessons for individual experiences.  To increase our level of happiness, we must seek to eliminate false beliefs about ourselves and others.   


Abundance is everywhere around us.  We often don’t see it, because our minds are too scrambled with stuff and too preoccupied. Our subconscious mind must be reprogrammed to positive thoughts and beliefs which require an energy shift within our inner being to recreate  the old identity to the new identify.  This process is very uncomfortable.  This may sound very foreign and strange; therefore it is important to dedicate time for new thoughts, reading, study and ongoing life time learning in your spiritual life.  Again meditation helps and realizing that inner peace can release negative energies and false beliefs and allows new ways of doing things, instead of continuing on the constant merry-go-round of insanity, doing the same thing over and over again.

Suzanne Boudreau

Rieke Master Magnetic Mind Mentor

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