DAY 81


What stories were you told during childhood?   “I want to be a pilot “I want to be a  business owner.”  The other person says: “You can’t do that.” (disempowerment) “You’ve got to be tough, never let anyone push you around” (defensive mindset).  “I want to be a doctor.”  The other person says:  “You’re not smart enough.”  No, No, No and more No.  Instead of encouragement these negative statements either motivate you to “prove” someone wrong or to discourage you.  How does that serve anyone’s good???  It’s no one’s fault. It’s programming.  Every decision you make is ultimately YOUR choice. Successes and failures are simply lessons.


 As children we assimilate and assume the feelings from the negative intent of such statements, because we are innocent.  We end up feeling “not good enough” or in a defensive state of helplessness or rage, otherwise known as fear or defiance.  Defiance can be the fuel to motivation for some people.  It was for me.  When my mother said after I announced I was going to nursing school:  “Why would you want to do that?  It’s such a disgusting job!”   Never a positive or encouraging anything from her!  Lol.  It matters not because it’s all she knows.  That kind of statement is without love, just criticism, not initiated from an open loving heart.  She has her own wounding. 


 When you can believe that NO one has power over you, you simply walk away and choose not to accept anyone’s imposition upon you; it’s truly a limited imposition of thought by the perpetrator imposed on him/herself, NOT on you!!!  This person is projecting a negative thought upon him/herself.  This is a fascinating fact.  

 So don’t take anything negative from anyone else as personal.  Let it roll off your back.  It’s not true! Chose not to accept it.  Make your own informed decision. This lesson took me years to figure out and how to release its falsehood.  Belief in Love and gaining confidence gets you to a better place of happiness!

Suzanne Boudreau

Reiki Master, Magnetic Mind Mentor

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